In recent years, Rhinoplasty has become a very popular cosmetic surgery. This procedure is used to reshape the nose. Rhinoplasty is not only used for this purpose, but can also be performed to address other physiological conditions. A doctor may prescribe it to remove polyps and other abnormal growths inside the nose or for sleep apnoea. No matter the reason for the surgery, the patient must follow some precautions to recover from Rhinoplasty safely, click for source?
Cosmetic surgeries such as Rhinoplasty are generally low-risk and have few side effects. You must consider certain things if you’ve recently had one.
These tips will help you recover from a nose operation. These tips will help you avoid side effects and stay safe following the surgery. Here are some tips for you.
After Rhinoplasty, avoid exercising for two weeks. You should not rush to the gym, no matter how much you love it. Do not engage in any movement that is tiring or causes the body to move up and down aggressively. After two weeks, you can resume your regular exercise routine. However, it is important to take it slow. Don’t start with heavy exercise.
Swimming is not recommended for the first 2 weeks following Rhinoplasty. Swimming can cause your nose to move around. Dive-diving will also put extra pressure on your nose. This could be dangerous. Your nose is fragile and cannot withstand any shock. Swimming pools also use chemicals such as chlorine. This chemical, which is relatively safe to use, can be harmful for your nose.
After a nose operation, eat soft or semi-solid foods if possible. Avoid foods that need heavy chewing. For at least a week, avoid all burgers and pizzerias that are incredibly tempting and opt for simple and mild foods.
You may find it strange, but after a Rhinoplasty you shouldn’t laugh or smile too much. This may seem like a harsh warning, but I assure you that laughing loudly can damage the nose. It can damage the stitches and cause stretches.
Brush your teeth gently. If you brush your teeth with excessive force, it may cause the upper lip to move more than normal. Our upper lips are also directly connected to our noses.
Avoid harsh soaps for at least two weeks after your Rhinoplasty. Use a mild soap-free cleanser to wash your face.
Contact your Rhinoplasty surgeon Kolkata. You must inform your surgeon if you notice anything unusual, such as bleeding or pain.
You should try to stop wearing spectacles for at least a week if you are used to them. You can use soft lenses if you are high-powered. You can consult your endoscopic surgeon to determine if you need one. I hope you will soon come around when you follow these guidelines.