The Roof Maintenance and Repair Tips You Can Do This Winter

The winter will be here soon, as the temperatures start to drop and the daylight hours shorten. Roof problems and other house problems can be brought on by winter. In the winter homeowners can face a number of roofing issues including the formation of icedams, condensation and property damage. The weather in winter makes it hard to solve these issues, but fall maintenance can help you avoid the problems, read here.

Even though fall is the ideal time to prepare for winter in your home, these issues will still haunt you. Even if all your maintenance and roof repairs were completed before the winter season, you may still have problems. It is important to fix these issues immediately.

We will share some simple roof repairs and maintenance techniques that you can use to make it through the cold winter months.

Autumn Roof Maintenance

Check your roof in the fall for damage and make sure to fix it immediately if necessary. You need to become even more diligent and proactive in winter. In winter, you should be extra vigilant and proactive. Be sure your downspout and fascia are free of debris, ice or snow. To remove excessive snow, use a roof scraper.

The flashing chimney and repair

You will see a leakage of flashing if there are any drops or leaks on your roof, around the area where the chimney sits. The roof as well as chimney could be damaged. If you find that your flashing and chimney need to be inspected, do so only during the fall. Repair any problems if they are found. You should be able to get chimney services from your roofer, but if they don’t, then you will need a chimney company. Pay attention to the weather conditions if you intend to repair the flashing yourself. The adhesive will freeze if it is cold.

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