You can Whipple yourself: types of surgeries, recovery rates from surgery and other alternatives

The full name for a Whipple is a pancreaticoduodenectomy. Whipple refers to a major surgery that involves the removals of the head of the pancreas, first part of smallintestine (duodenum), bile canal, gallbladder. After surgery the organs that are left must be attached in order to restore normal digestion, read more here.

Whipple the history

Whipple has many other names.

Whipple resection
Whipple technique

Whipple – Why?

Allen Oldfather Whipple invented the technique. Allen Oldfather Whipple did it the first time, in 1935. Whipple Procedure is the most common surgery used to treat pancreatic malignancy that occurs in the head.

Some medical techniques, such as the Whipple, are named after their inventors. Medical procedures that are well known include:

The Heimlich Manoeuvre is used to expulse a foreign material from the airway.
Cesarean sections are used when a baby is too big to fit through the birth canal.
Salk vaccination, which protects from polio.

They are given names in honour of their contributions. These procedures serve not only to promote innovation, but also research and medical research.
Whipple surgeries are only available for patients with cancer.

Other conditions can also benefit from the Whipple treatment, such as: Whipple can be beneficial for other illnesses, too.

Chronic pancreatitis
Bile Duct Cancer
Ampulla Vater Tumors: These tumors are located in the region where the pancreatic tubes and the bile drain come together.
Duodenal tumours

Whipple treatment may not always be the best option for patients. In some cases, radiation and chemotherapy may be a better choice.

Consult your doctor before deciding whether to undergo the Whipple Surgery. All your options should be discussed, along with their associated risks and benefits.
Whipple Surgery can be used for a variety of reasons.

Whipple Surgery is the major operation to remove the small intestine or duodenum. Also, the gallbladders are removed along with the bile ducts. In order to restore normal eating to patients after surgery, it is necessary to attach all organs.

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